Access Flooring Systems
State-of-the-Art Integrated Access Flooring Systems for Commercial Buildings and Critical IT environments: Data Centres, Server Rooms, Colocation Centres.
Maximum Flexibility. Fully Fire Resistant . Secure.

metaflor® is the advanced raised access floor system under the MERIT brand: A new name for a superior access flooring category, specifically designed for the ever growing demands for corporate IT network infrastructure. Based on the legacy of the
MERIT brand, with hundreds of installations completed since 2000’s, metaflor ® raises the bar to another level and offers a fully integrated Access Flooring System that incorporates all needs for large (multi tenant) data centres, server farms and server rooms. All individual parts of the system are developed and tested to
support the typical loads of server racks, patch racks and UPS systems, while allowing up flow and down flow air conditioning systems to maximize their effectiveness.
Netfloor ECO Series, with a height of only 60mm, is the popular choice for raised access flooring in commercial office projects. Netfloor ECO series features high cable management capacity at low-height, high durability, flexibility, easy access, and can be removed and re-used when moving to another location. The Netfloor ECO Series CA-600R are made of 100% recyclable materials and meet the requirements for Green Building Materials, and contribute to LEED certification of your project.